Sunday, January 31, 2010

Save Tigers To Save Ecology And To Save Our National Pride.

Tiger is the largest of all the cats. Of all the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers, and tigers may often be found bathing in ponds, lakes and rivers. Tigers hunt alone, and their diet consists primarily of medium-sized herbivores such as barking deer, sambar, elk, chital, swamp deer, red deer, rusa deer, wild pigs and buffalo, but they will also take larger prey if the circumstances demand it.

Tigers are mammals of the Felidae family, one of four ?big cats? that belong to the Panthera genus. Tigers are predatory carnivores. Zoological Name-Panthera tigris. This magnificent animal is a heavily muscled and powerful predator that employs stalk and ambush tactics to bring down large prey, using the characteristic stripy coat as camouflage. Unlike other cats, tigers are good swimmers and often cool off in lakes and streams during the heat of the day. Sadly, they have been pushed to the edge of existance through hunting and habitat loss, with three of the eight subspecies already extinct, and the other subspecies at high risk. I think after few years we will see tigers only on photos and videos.

I will give few data of consistent decline in tiger population collected from various surveys.
Year------Total Tigers Present

If this is right statistics am sorry to say 2015 hardly we can see any tigers left in india and the root cause of such a decline of tigers population is nor other than HUMAN that means we. I think more or less we all are responsible for this drastic situation of tigers.

                                                                 Therefore, I request all Indians to stand together and spread awareness among all people to save our national pride the TIGER. And some strict laws should be implemented to save TIGERS. I am requesting please leave a comment after reading this article and give me a feed back.

Remember we will and we can make a difference............
Promote this article to save TIGERS and To bring awareness.
Check the below youtube video to know how cute baby tigers are.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Our demand "one rank one pension"

Almost all of us know a bit about "one rank one pension" demand by the retired army persons but we hardly know what is the main issue. There are many army people who retired in early 6o's and 70's getting pension which is very less as compare to present soldiers retiring from army. Example: if a havaldar retired in 70's getting approx 3000/- pension, havaldar retiring now are getting approx Rs. 6000 to 7000. The problem is that havaldar rank is same and work duration is same then why this large gap in pension soldiers having same rank. At that time the inflattion was not that high as copare to present days and it is very difficult for those ex-serviceman to live their life.

Its almost years now the retired veterans are fighting for their rights but one good news is that Defence minister A.K. Antony has given assurance that he will try his best to pass this bill in parliament as soon as possible. But one question is still unanswered why this diffentiation policy for Defence people and other Govt. employee beacause everybody knows who is more important.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are We Really Forgotten Our SOLDIERS!!!!!!!

26 July 1999 Indian Soldiers re-captured kargil hill and Since then we celebrate 26th July as "Vijay Diwas". We don't realize how difficult the kargil war was because we were sitting in our houses and just watching it in TVs and doing our daily routine work irrespective of what was going on in front. Because we know our brave soldiers fighting and they will bring back lost-glory.

Being a Son of a Army Soldier, being a Brother of an army soldier I can understand what does a war mean!! But, I think our politicians didn't understood it yet. 500+ soldier died in war and not a single politicians got 5 minute time to go Drass sector in jammu-kashmir, where army started their 1st operation. Its really shame for us as well as the politicians and for the nation.

I think the politicians forgot it completly that the soldier fighting in LOC, are fighting for the Nation(INDIA) not any individual war, not for any political party but for "Mother India". Therefore, I request all indian citizens to remember the original heros of life, INDIAN SOLDIERS. They really dont want any sympathy but the respect they are worthy of.........

Please lit a candle in remembrance of the brave soldiers died in kargil....
Jay Hind.